Joy versus Happiness

You made me find joy in what you have done, O Lord . I will sing joyfully about the works of your hands. How spectacular are your works, O Lord ! How very deep are your thoughts!

Which would you rather possess, happiness or joy? Before you answer this question, I'd like for us to gain a deeper understanding of real joy. Nowadays, joy is a word that gets used rather flippantly in humourously describing how one gets out of a problem (eg. no joy?) to making a sarcastic remark about someone (eg. his reaction is a joy to behold). We've lost the meaning of joy in its truest sense, which unlike happiness, is not a passing feeling of elation or pleasure.
Joy is more than a feeling or emotion. It is found only in God. In fact, joy is not a product of the soul but of the spirit. You cannot manufacture joy through motivational words or positive thinking; it transcends even the most difficult of circumstances to enable Jesus' followers to trust God. It is this same joy that remembers what God has done in our lives and fix our eyes on Him for our deliverance.
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit that as believers, we have access to. When we learn to abide in Jesus, He promises us that we might be filled with His joy, even to the overflowing (Jn 15:9,11). In Him alone is our joy made complete. It is through His strength which helps us run our race with endurance.
We live in a society where even believers struggle with mental health issues. Beloved, we've lost our joy. It's the result of seeking happiness, not joy. No amount of time or money spent on drugs or seeing mental health professionals can replace the joy that Jesus offers in Him. Will you come to Him today? Ask Him to fill you with His peace and His joy. He gives peace that the world cannot give. Don't run away from Him. He is the God who cares for you.


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