Getting Rid of Gunk

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.

I've got a confession to make: whenever someone points out my flaws, I admit that instead of taking their suggestions on board, my first reaction is to respond negatively in the thoughts that I think about that person and myself. It's a terrible thing to be ruled by one's pride because in my experience, it's gotten me into trouble I could have avoided. An attitude of humility is something gifted by God, as shown in today's verse.
Sin blocks out our ability to allow the power of God to flow into our lives. Like a blocked pipe full of gunk, we need Father to cleanse us. Sometimes we get clogged up with worries about this life based on what we read or listen to in the media. It's easy to become anxious over the state of the Covid pandemic, the economy, your health, your job situation and your relationships with people. What's on your list of anxious thoughts?
When we worry, beloved, we're showing God that we don't trust Him. And like any sin, worry is offensive to God. Would you ask Him to point out to you any wicked thoughts or actions you might be harbouring in your heart? We've all sinned and fallen short of His standard. Let's ask Him today to remove the junk in our lives that prevents us from hearing His voice. Don't harden your heart, beloved. He can set you free.


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