Turn Your Heart

2 Chronicles 16:9, 1 Sam 7:3

Today, I'd like to focus on the idea of turning the heart towards or away from God. There are many verses in the Bible that highlight this area, especially when the Chronicler describes in the Books of 1 and 2 Chronicles (originally one book in the Hebrew Bible) the concept of how the people's hearts were turned towards God and away from God based on the action of the kings who ruled over them. In the verses I've chosen to write my reflections on, there are a few aspects which seem to stand out. 

First, the comforting assurance for those who fear God that he watches over the whole earth carefully - out of the six billion people, it's amazing to think that he has eyes on every one of His children who is committed to Him. And He promises to provide strength for those who are weary of fighting the war against the evil one all by themselves. The verse talks about how God shows himself strong, as the source of all strength - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strength. 

Turning your heart to the Lord involves removing foreign gods. What gods have you allowed into your life to control you? What is more important than anything in your world? Sometimes it's so easy to get caught in our obsessions and passions for what we think can satisfy the void in our lives. The purpose and meaning of life is not in what a person owns or does or is. Turning your heart to the Lord involves giving your heart completely to God and serving Him. What is the biggest priority in your life and what needs rearranging?

Turning your heart to the Lord involves a conscious decision. Prov 7:25. Don't let your heart turn aside. It involves a commitment that is longstanding. This is the way to get Godly wisdom and discernment that as believers, we desperately need to have. We need to know what God plans for us to do next in the season He has called us to during this crisis and following this global situation. We can't be caught unprepared for the next great thing He is about to do. Now is not the time for us to be focusing on trivial things but on Him and His vision. 

Turning your heart to the Lord cannot be accomplished by yourself. There are numerous prayers in the Psalms speaking of the request that the people of God had for God to turn their hearts back to Him. You may have fallen or feel like you've failed but God is waiting for you to turn your heart back to Him. He seeks only for your good. Another interesting word is 'incline'. It's used in prayer to ask God to incline His ear to hear the Psalmist's voice (cool prayer) and also for the heart of the believer to be inclined towards God. (Psalm 17:6, 86:1, Joshua 24:23)


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