The morning fog

 James 4:14, Psalm 39:4-6

Recently, I've been re-listening to a song by Casting Crowns "Who am I?", which deals with our status as humans and the temporariness of our life here on earth. It's sobering and comforting at the same time to remember this fact about the fact that I am human, mortal and my life here will not last for a long time (although it's much easier to forget or ignore this). I'm reminded in these verses that I am but a shadow, a transient presence on this planet, like the morning fog that appears for a short time and then disappears forever. Even though God knows how frail I am, how fragile my life is, and yet... He still cares about me enough to listen to my prayers as the Lord of all Creation and the King of all kings. There can be no doubt about His presence or his answers to my prayers when I view my circumstances in the light of eternity. 

I am immensely grateful for the breath He has placed in my lungs. He formed me out of the dust, knitted me together (with much thought) in my mother's womb and records to this moment the very hairs on my head - the knowledge and care He has about me is nothing short of amazing. Meditating on all these thoughts makes me count my blessings, thankful for everything He has given me - the ability to see, taste, smell, touch and hear. What are the blessings you can thank God for today? May He elevate your perspective to see life in the way that He sees it.


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