The Blog's Title
Welcome to my blog! I've named it Living Stones after the verse from 1 Peter 2:5. I hope you'll find inspiration in what I've got to share here based on my journey with God so far.
Who am I?
I've been a Christian from a young age and have always dreamed of writing devotionals to help encourage other believers in their walk with Jesus. When I was thirteen, I encountered Jesus in a very real way after He healed me from a life threatening anaphylactic reaction. I was sitting in the hospital emergency department when I heard God speaking to me and assuring me that I had received eternal life. I was brought up in a Christian family but it is my response to what Jesus has done for me on the cross in taking away my sins that forms the foundation of my faith. I pray that as you read these words which have come out of the times I have spent walking with God, that you will be inspired to seek to know God and to spend time with Him. May you be greatly blessed as you read!